June 28, 2022

Build & Deploy a Fitness App that sends daily E-mails

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Summary of What to Expect
Table of Contents
  1. Install dependencies: harperdb, youtube-dl, and streamlit.
  2. Set up HarperDB with schema and tables.
  3. Use youtube-dl to extract video information.
  4. Create a Streamlit frontend app.
  5. Implement functionalities for workouts display and addition.
  6. Use HarperDB Custom Functions to send daily workout emails.
  7. Set up a Cronjob for automated daily updates.

00:00 - Introduction
00:49 - Demo
02:18 - HarperDB setup
16:20 - youtube-dl setup
22:30 - build the app
31:00 - Send emails with Custom Functions
40:43 - Test & Deploy