January 24, 2022

Building An Inventory Tool Using Appsmith and HarperDB

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Summary of What to Expect
Table of Contents
  1. Sign up for a HarperDB account.
  2. Choose the preferred access method: HarperDB Studio, HarperDB Local Instance, or HarperDB Cloud.
  3. Create a new organization within HarperDB.
  4. Create a new HarperDB instance under the organization, specifying instance details and pricing plan.
  5. Add a new schema to the instance to hold the tables.
  6. Create tables within the schema, defining attributes like the hash attribute.
  7. Add data to the tables, either manually or through CSV file upload.
  8. Access the HarperDB API using the cloud instance URL and API authentication.
  9. Set up an Appsmith application to build a management tool for the database.
  10. Create a table widget in Appsmith to display the product listings.
  11. Use the HarperDB API to fetch data from the Products table and populate the table.
  12. Set column types for price, backorderLimit, and quantity columns to "Number".
  13. Create a form widget to add/edit product information, including a Switch widget for "backordered" status.
  14. Use Appsmith's "Default value" property to prefill form fields when selecting a row in the table.
  15. Create a new API in Appsmith to handle updating product information in the database.
  16. Write an update query in the API to modify records in the Products table.
  17. Connect the form's "submit" button to execute the update query when editing and submitting data.
  18. Use the HarperDB API to refresh the table data "onSuccess" of the update query, updating the table accordingly.