June 8, 2023

Deploying HarperDB and Akamai Connected Cloud for Faster API Performance

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Here are the steps to deploy HarperDB and Akamai Connected Cloud (previously known as Linode) for faster API performance:

  1. Understand the benefits of using HarperDB with Akamai API Acceleration for fast API performance.
  2. Set up HarperDB, a flexible and speedy SQL/NoSQL database.
  3. Learn about Akamai API Acceleration, which optimizes API delivery using a global CDN.
  4. Create StackScripts to automate the deployment of HarperDB.
  5. Launch instances using the StackScripts and configure HarperDB options.
  6. Test instance connectivity by making a request to the HarperDB API.
  7. Install nginx as a reverse proxy on each instance to support API Acceleration.
  8. Set up SSL certificates for secure communication.
  9. Expand to additional regions by launching more instances.
  10. Configure DNS records to serve requests from the closest Akamai cache location.
  11. Set up Akamai Global Traffic Management to manage DNS.
  12. Configure Akamai property to map geographic locations and provide fallback mappings.

By following these steps, you can deploy HarperDB and leverage Akamai API Acceleration to achieve faster API performance and an improved user experience.