April 4, 2022

Query data from HarperDB with GraphQL using StepZen

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  1. Set up HarperDB either through the cloud-based HarperDB Studio or by running your own instance.
  2. Obtain the instance URL and authentication header after creating the HarperDB instance.
  3. Populate the database with data by creating a schema (e.g., "demo") and a table (e.g., "listings").
  4. Use CSV files to import data into HarperDB through their Studio interface or REST API.
  5. Optionally, use SQL or NoSQL queries to interact with the data in the "listings" table.
  6. Convert the HarperDB REST API to GraphQL using StepZen, either through writing a GraphQL schema with the @rest directive or by using the CLI command "stepzen import curl."
  7. Deploy the GraphQL API using StepZen, and it will be available at the specified endpoint.
  8. Use the StepZen dashboard explorer or GraphiQL playground to query the GraphQL API and interact with the data in the HarperDB instance.
  9. For NoSQL queries, you can generate additional GraphQL schemas and queries using the StepZen CLI.