January 27, 2023

Deploying HarperDB on AWS and GCP

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Summary of What to Expect
Table of Contents
  1. Install Terraform by either manually downloading it or using Homebrew/Chocolatey.
  2. Install the gcloud CLI to configure Terraform with Google Cloud credentials.
  3. Create a Google Cloud account and enable billing.
  4. Create a new project in Google Cloud and remember the project name.
  5. Configure the provider information in the "provider.tf" file, specifying the project name.
  6. Create a VPC network and subnet in the "vpc.tf" file, setting the name, IP range, and region.
  7. Create a VM instance in the "gce.tf" file, specifying the instance name, type, zone, and boot disk image.
  8. Allow inbound traffic to specific ports in the "firewall.tf" file using Google Compute Firewall resources.
  9. Run "terraform plan" and "terraform apply" to create the VM instance.
  10. Connect to the created VM instance using SSH.
  11. Install Docker on the VM instance.
  12. Create a directory for HarperDB data persistence.
  13. Run the HarperDB Docker container with the specified volume, admin username, password, and port mappings.
  14. Use CURL commands to create a schema in HarperDB.
  15. Enable mixed content in your browser to access HarperDB Studio.
  16. Register the user-installed instance in HarperDB Studio and provide the necessary information.
  17. Verify the created schema in HarperDB Studio.
  18. Enable clustering in HarperDB if desired, by creating the same user in all instances and defining the pub/sub topology.