January 17, 2023

HarperDB with Anthos on GKE

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Summary of What to Expect
Table of Contents
  1. Enable the Anthos API in the Google Cloud console.
  2. Configure an Anthos managed GKE cluster by selecting the auto-pilot option in the GKE configuration.
  3. Wait for the cluster creation to complete and verify the cluster status in the notifications.
  4. Register the created GKE cluster under Anthos managed clusters.
  5. Update the kubeconfig in the Cloud Shell using the command: gcloud container clusters get-credentials autopilot-cluster-1 --region us-central1.
  6. Create a namespace for HarperDB using the command: kubectl create ns harperdb.
  7. Check for a publicly available Helm chart for HarperDB using the command: helm search hub harperdb.
  8. If no chart is available, use a local minimal Helm chart for HarperDB.
  9. Install the Helm release on the Anthos managed GKE cluster using the command: helm install harperdb . -n harperdb.
  10. Check the deployment spec to view the resource requests and limits set by the autopilot cluster.
  11. Verify the pod status using the command: kubectl get po -n harperdb.
  12. Test the HarperDB API by retrieving the service IP and sending an API call using curl.
  13. Clean up the environment by deleting the helm chart directory, unregistering the cluster from the Anthos console, deleting the cluster from the GKE console, and disabling the Anthos API using the command: gcloud services disable anthos.googleapis.com.