January 13, 2023

HarperDB with Helm on EKS

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Summary of What to Expect
Table of Contents
  1. Install Helm.
  2. Update the kubeconfig.
  3. Create a namespace for HarperDB.
  4. Create a directory for the Helm chart.
  5. Create a "templates" directory and copy the manifests into it.
  6. Create a Chart.yaml file with the chart's name and version.
  7. Install the Helm release in the namespace.
  8. Verify the deployment status.
  9. Check the deployed workloads.
  10. Test the API.
  11. Make changes to the Helm chart.
  12. Upgrade the release with the new changes.
  13. Verify the updated service port.
  14. Modify templates to refer to the release name and namespace.
  15. Change the chart version.
  16. Upgrade the release again to apply the changes.
  17. Validate the deployment.