June 29, 2022

Using HarperDB with Kubernetes

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Summary of What to Expect
Table of Contents
  1. Install and run HarperDB locally using Docker:
  2. Use the command: docker run -d -e HDB_ADMIN_USERNAME=user -e HDB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password -p 9925:9925 harperdb/harperdb.
  3. Ensure port 9925 is open to connect to HarperDB Studio.
  4. Create a Kubernetes cluster:
  5. Use a managed Kubernetes service (e.g., Azure AKS).
  6. Create a new resource group and name the cluster.
  7. Connect to the Kubernetes cluster:
  8. Install Azure CLI and kubectl.
  9. Use az aks get-credentials -n harperdb -g harperdb-aks --admin to download credentials.
  10. Create a namespace for the database: kubectl create namespace database.
  11. Prepare the Kubernetes manifests (in manifests.yaml):
  12. Create a deployment for HarperDB with necessary configurations like environment variables, resource limits, ports, and volume mounts.
  13. Define a persistent volume claim (PVC) to request storage for data persistence.
  14. Apply the manifests to the cluster: kubectl apply -f ./manifests.yml.
  15. Verify the deployment and storage:
  16. Check the deployment status: kubectl get deploy harperdb -n database.
  17. Ensure the persistent volume is created in the Azure portal.
  18. Access HarperDB in the Kubernetes cluster:
  19. Forward the local connection to the service using: kubectl port-forward svc/harperdb 9925:9925 -n database.
  20. Access the HarperDB Studio in the browser and create a new instance using the credentials defined in the deployment manifest.
  21. Set up the database:
  22. Create a new database, user, and grant permissions as needed.